To create a deploy via CLI
Before using the command, you will need to first setup AWS cli on your computer, use the official AWS guide here
$ aws opsworks --region us-east-1 create-deployment --stack-id 9xxxx3-xxxx-455f-bc5c-8xxxx7a --app-id 090xxx88-2d32-xxxx-a460-faaxxxd7 --command "{ \"Name\": \"deploy\" }"
Note: AWS OpsWorks supports only one endpoint, (HTTPS), so you must connect to that endpoint. You can then use the API to direct AWS OpsWorks to create stacks in any AWS Region. Source
The following message will be returned if command issued accepted.
----------------------------------------------------------| CreateDeployment |
| DeploymentId | 912b37aa-f423-4dda-9966-021680bbc1a8 |
To Create and Schedule a time-based instance via CLI
Below sample command will create a time-based instance, stack-id, layers-ids, instance type are mondoroty
aws opsworks --region us-east-1 create-instance --stack-id 58af7c69-xxxx-xxxx-8e6a-7660d7a18e55 --layer-ids 6e876603-ac96-4714-89a0-2453e1dc06f0 --os Custom --ami-id ami-6d1b343f --instance-type t2.medium --subnet-id subnet-1ae9f56e --auto-scaling-type timer --ssh-key-name sysadmin
Next, You will need to assign scheduler to wake or shut instance off, here's the sample command. The command will schedule instance 064c0869-xxxx-xxxx-9728-53d271c4a484 to power on between 00800 to 1900GMT+8 from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday is included in the command to override any schedule on previously set to ON
I personally find that the command is not so user friendly as you will need to include each and every hour slot into the command.
aws opsworks set-time-based-auto-scaling --region
us-east-1 --instance-id "064c0869-xxxx-xxxx-9728-53d271c4a484"
--auto-scaling-schedule "{\"Monday\": {\"0\":
\"on\", \"1\": \"on\", \"2\":
\"on\", \"3\": \"on\", \"4\":
\"on\", \"5\": \"on\", \"6\":
\"on\", \"7\": \"on\", \"8\":
\"on\", \"9\": \"on\", \"10\":
\"on\", \"11\": \"off\", \"12\":
\"off\", \"13\": \"off\", \"14\":
\"off\", \"15\": \"off\", \"16\":
\"off\", \"17\": \"off\", \"18\":
\"off\", \"19\": \"off\", \"20\":
\"off\", \"21\": \"off\", \"22\":
\"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Tuesday\":
{\"0\": \"on\", \"1\": \"on\",
\"2\": \"on\", \"3\": \"on\",
\"4\": \"on\", \"5\": \"on\",
\"6\": \"on\", \"7\": \"on\",
\"8\": \"on\", \"9\": \"on\",
\"10\": \"on\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Wednesday\":
{\"0\": \"on\", \"1\": \"on\",
\"2\": \"on\", \"3\": \"on\",
\"4\": \"on\", \"5\": \"on\",
\"6\": \"on\", \"7\": \"on\",
\"8\": \"on\", \"9\": \"on\",
\"10\": \"on\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Thursday\":
{\"0\": \"on\", \"1\": \"on\",
\"2\": \"on\", \"3\": \"on\",
\"4\": \"on\", \"5\": \"on\",
\"6\": \"on\", \"7\": \"on\",
\"8\": \"on\", \"9\": \"on\",
\"10\": \"on\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Friday\":
{\"0\": \"on\", \"1\": \"on\",
\"2\": \"on\", \"3\": \"on\",
\"4\": \"on\", \"5\": \"on\",
\"6\": \"on\", \"7\": \"on\",
\"8\": \"on\", \"9\": \"on\",
\"10\": \"on\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Saturday\":
{\"0\": \"off\", \"1\": \"off\",
\"2\": \"off\", \"3\": \"off\",
\"4\": \"off\", \"5\": \"off\",
\"6\": \"off\", \"7\": \"off\",
\"8\": \"off\", \"9\": \"off\",
\"10\": \"off\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}, \"Sunday\":
{\"0\": \"off\", \"1\": \"off\",
\"2\": \"off\", \"3\": \"off\",
\"4\": \"off\", \"5\": \"off\",
\"6\": \"off\", \"7\": \"off\",
\"8\": \"off\", \"9\": \"off\",
\"10\": \"off\", \"11\": \"off\",
\"12\": \"off\", \"13\": \"off\",
\"14\": \"off\", \"15\": \"off\",
\"16\": \"off\", \"17\": \"off\",
\"18\": \"off\", \"19\": \"off\",
\"20\": \"off\", \"21\": \"off\",
\"22\": \"off\", \"23\": \"off\"}}"
Command to show instance detail
aws opsworks --region us-east-1 describe-time-based-auto-scaling --instance-id 398913d7-ea3e-xxxx-xxxx-44ffc8befa46
| DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling |
|| TimeBasedAutoScalingConfigurations ||
|| InstanceId ||
|| 398913d7-ea3e-4c91-9b16-44ffc8befa46 ||
||| AutoScalingSchedule |||
|||| Friday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on ||||
|||| Monday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on ||||
|||| Saturday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| off| off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off ||||
|||| Sunday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| off| off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off | off ||||
|||| Thursday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on ||||
|||| Tuesday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on ||||
|||| Wednesday ||||
|||| 0 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ||||
|||| on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on | on ||||