Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Windows Server - grant the Logon as a batch job privilege

Question: How do I grant the Logon as a batch job privilege to my user account?
Answer: On Windows, this privilege is granted through the Local or Domain Security Policy. To do this using the Local Security Policy, follow these steps.
  1. In the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.
  2. Beneath Security Settings, open Local Policies and highlight User Rights Assignment.
  3. Locate Log on as a batch job. Open the properties and add any users that need this right.
  4. When finished, save your changes and close the Local Security Settings window.
Your changes should take effect immediately. To make changes to the Domain Security Policy, on a domain controller, use the Domain Security Policy utility in the Control Panel.

Source: http://www.brooksnet.com/faq/117-02.html

Friday, November 12, 2010


resend deferred mail immediately
sendmail -OTimeout.hoststatus=0m -q -v